Community Spotlight: Tnsae Mulu

Intern Tnsae Mulu

Intern Tnsae Mulu

Name: Tnsae Mulu 

School & Major:
I go to Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA. I am majoring in Psychology and Philosophy. 

What are your plans after college?
After completing my undergraduate education, I plan on going to graduate school to do research in psychology. 

What would be your dream job?
My dream job involves me traveling and conducting research. I hope to work, communicate, and learn from people from all walks of life in order to understand different perspectives and experiences with autism. I know that unfortunately, not everyone with autism has equal access and proper treatment. This is why I am passionate about learning how to provide equal treatment for those with autism through recreational activities and biomedical sources. 

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association?
Seeing how passionate the American Autism Association is about trying to improve the quality of life for those with autism made me want to join the cause and community. The American Autism Association provides resources and funding for those who may have difficulty finding or affording them and since I want to do the same, I applied and got the amazing opportunity to intern at the American Autism Association. 

What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy crocheting, skateboarding, and listening to music during my free time. I live in Los Angeles, California so during the summer, I like to go outside and explore the city with friends or even by myself. 

What’s been your favorite class in college and why?
My favorite class in college so far has been my Developmental Psychology course. I feel like I left with a lot of knowledge about how important and impactful interacting with people and nature is to the developing brain. Having time to play and interact with others and with nature helps people foster and maintain cognitive and sensorimotor skills while developing impactful relationships. 

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?
I’m looking forward to putting to use all the opportunities, experiences, and connections I made to further my education and career. Although the thought is scary, I dream of living outside of the country for a little while.

How do you like your coffee (or tea)?
I prefer drinking hot tea and I like it with honey! I’m not a fan of fruit flavored teas.

Where is your dream vacation?
Although I always have dreamed about traveling and living abroad, I am quite indecisive of where I want to go. I want to go to a country where I can enjoy the people and the city but also am able to enjoy the countryside or more rural parts of the country. Possible places I’d like to go are Italy, Thailand, South Africa, and Peru, but to keep it simple I’d say Hawaii!