Child-Friendly Books To Read in Honor of Black History Month

Although February is Black History Month, the education around the history of the Black community in the United States is always important to learn and understand. We’re taking the time to celebrate the success and reflect on the hardships Black people have faced throughout history, and still face to this day.

A great way to celebrate Black History Month is to read and learn impactful stories about the Black experience, and utilize this knowledge to learn how to be an ally. Here is a list of child-friendly books to honor Black History Month!

  1.  Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights by Rob Sanders

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It is important to teach children that they should stand up and fight for what is right, not only for themselves, but for others as well. Often times, the voices of minorities are left unheard so it is important to uplift and support them. This book helps children build empathy and confidence, things that are very useful in life.

You can purchase this book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book. amazon

2.    A Kid’s Guide to African American History: More than 70 activities by Nancy I. Sanders

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This a great book for parents and educators who want to create an engaging way for their children to learn about African American history. This book has activities, songs, games, and more that children can simultaneously enjoy and learn from. It lists several influential people in black history.

You can purchase this book on this website.

3.   Have You Thanked an Inventor Today by Patrice McLaurin


A lot of the things we use in everyday life is thanks to an African-American inventor! This informational picture book highlights and honors the black inventors that have contributed to society yet are often times forgotten.

It also encourages children to be creative and experimental. The book includes engaging activities that promotes reading comprehension and ensures fun!

You can purchase this book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

4. Let’s Talk About Race by Julius Lester

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This book includes vibrant, abstract, and colorful paintings to celebrate diversity and teach children that at the end of the day, we are all one and the same, flesh and bone. It explores controversial questions about race in order to show children how stereotypes and prejudice can be harmful.

You can purchase the book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

5. Skin like mine by Latashia M. Perry

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This is one of the books from the Kids Like Mine Series. It discusses and embraces the beauty within diversity. Children of all reading levels can enjoy this book.

You can purchase the book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book .

6. A Kids Book About Racism Jelani Memory


The hate behind racism may be difficult to grasp for young children but it is still important to inform them about it.

This book is great way for children to learn and recognize the different forms of racism. It also teaches children how to be empathetic and recognize people’s feelings.  Most importantly, it teaches children that being different is more than ok, it’s great!

If you would like to purchase the book, you can find it on this website or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

7. A Kids Book About White Privilege by Ben Sand

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This book addresses the topic of white privilege in simple language for children to understand. It is important for all people, regardless of their race, to learn and understand the effects of white privilege in order to see how it hurts others and how to use it to help others.

You can purchase this book on this website or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

8. A Kid’s Book About Systemic Racism by Jordan Thierry

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Systemic racism is present in laws, institutions, communities, and more. Sometimes systemic racism is clear, and other times it is hidden and masked.

This book helps children understand and see how systemic racism is prevalent in our everyday lives. It addresses the hardships people face because of systemic racism and how it is unfair. Children have control over the future, so addressing the issues within society gives them the tools to fight and dismantle them.

You can purchase this book on this website.

9. I Am Enough by Grace Byers

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This is fun book is in the form of a song! It includes great illustrations that show and appreciate the beauty of young black girl. It’s a great book to read and a great book to give to a loved one!

You can purchase the book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

10. The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson

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Children who are marked as different may sometimes feel alone or isolated. This story teaches children to embrace their differences because there is beauty in that. The book goes in depth to explain feelings of loneliness and gradually becomes hopeful and optimistic.

Learning to recognize and address one’s emotions plays a vital role in communication and this book does a great job in teaching children how to recognize their own feelings through another person’s perspective.

You can purchase this book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book.

11. Parker Looks Up by Parker Curry


We live in world that discourages black people and tells them no. The power of representation is strong because it gives children hope.  

 In this book, a young girl goes to the Washington DC National Portrait Gallery and sees the portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama, which changes her whole life. The portrait inspires and encourages her that anything is possible. This story is based on a photo that blew up on social media of a young girl staring at First Lady Michelle Obama’s portrait in awe.

You can purchase the book on amazon or listen to a free read aloud of this book.