Community Spotlight: Olivia Blaney


Olivia Blaney joins the American Autism Association this spring as a community outreach and fundraising intern. In this Q&A, Anand shares why she joined the team and what she hopes to take away from her time with us.

Olivia Blaney

Olivia (I go by my middle name so Olivia is already my nickname)

School & Major:
I am currently attending the University of Iowa and I am a third year student and psychology major.

What are your plans after college?
I plan to go to grad school to get my masters so I can become a therapist after graduation.

What would be your dream job?
My dream job would be a therapist in the city with my own practice.

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association?
Since elementary school I have made wonderful friends who happen to have autism and I wanted to work with an organization who emphasizes support, compassion, and understanding for individuals with autism and their families.

What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I enjoy listening to music, spending time with my friends and family, and playing with my three bulldogs.

What’s been your favorite class in college and why?
My favorite class I have taken in college was either gender and society or Mona Lisa to modern art which was an art history class. The gender class allowed me to critically analyze how gender politics and expectations create roles and limits in society with both men and women. My art history class was absolutely fascinating and has changed the way I view art and has become a passion of mine.

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?
I look forward to beginning a career where I get the privilege of helping people for the rest of my life. Change starts at an individual level and I want to leave this world better than I found it.

How do you like your coffee (or tea)?
I LOVE starbucks caramel/pumpkin lattes they are the best lattes I have ever tasted!

Where is your dream vacation?
I am taking a class in Italian renaissance art right now that has reignited my desire to go to Italy. I have studied all the great works of art from Italy and it would be a dream of mine to be able to see them in person. The art, religion, culture, and food makes traveling to Italy a dream destination of mine.

Welcome to the team, Olivia!

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