Local Girl Makes Hats to Fundraise for Autism Support Center

From Spectrum news 1’s interview with an 11 year old girl named Lizzie Moore, you can’t help but smile from Moore’s positivity and compassion for helping people like her. Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, she is passionate about painting, drawing and making hats for people with autism. With her mom’s help, Moore came up with the idea to sell hats to support The Kelberman Center, a place that offers services to people who have an autism spectrum disorder. This center is important to Moore, as she has been going to the center for a few years now. Once she and her mother came up with the idea to sell hats, it was nonstop from there, raising more than $1,000 for The Kelberman Center, which was way over their original goal. 

Moore’s passion for helping people and supporting people with autism is inspiring to say the least. She said in Spectrum News 1 Interview, “Through my hats I can actually bring joy to others and actually try to help them become happy again.” Not only is she compassionate and caring, but she has a very good sense of humor as well. Lizzie mentioned in her interview that she has many different phrases of kindness and wisdom she uses in her everyday life. These phrases are known as “lizzisms,” and she says that autism plays a significant role in these phrases as well. Her confidence, passion and autism-positive way of life is inspiring to say the least.

She has made it clear that she’s not stopping here, as she wants to be the first female President one day. Way to go Lizzie! 

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