Federal Autism Committee Makes a Return


As part of the Autism CARES Act in October 2019, Congress has approved the continuation of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). The IACC is a panel of people  who are both Federal and public members, that provide advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and coordinate federal activities, mainly regarding activities related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This committee also holds discussion meetings and presentations that provide information about the IACC and ways to inform the autism community. 

On July 21st and 22nd, the IACC is scheduled to meet virtually, after almost 2 years without meeting. Although new members were being accepted throughout 2019 and 2020, due to COVID-19, it has delayed the committee from holding meetings. 

What’s so unique about this year’s IACC panel this year is not only the criteria they are focussed on discussing, but the people who are on the committee as well. The committee members are expected to be parents, autism advocates, and autism group representatives, which is going to have a large positive impact on the committee and their role in the autism community. Not only will there be a range of people involved, there will be members who have seen autism first hand and are passionate about ASD, which is something that is going to change the trajectory and voice of the IACC Committee.

We are excited and looking forward to seeing what the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee does to support the autism community!

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