I Advocate for the Autism Community Because...

Social media is a great way to stay connected with our community during these trying times. We’ve recently prompted our followers to share why they advocate for autism. We hope these passionate responses brighten up your day!

Hear what our community had to say.

“Because there is not enough information about Autism in the world right now. Too many people still don't understand or know what the Autism Spectrum even is.” - chaser513

“Being included & being able to meaningfully participate in society is not a luxury but a basic human right!”  - educationandtherapeuticspaces

“Because I'm an autism parent to a beautiful, smart 3 year old.”  - virisguerramo

“Because we all want to be loved and accepted.” - bigwaveproject

“Because it’s the right thing to do.”- ekcutler

“My Sister opened my eyes to a whole new world.” - jewels_yuli

“If not me then who‼️? #autismwarrior” -alexthegreat1journey

“Nobody should be made to feel less than the masses.” - ivusu

“Because... who else is gonna do it for my son? I advocate for him and others like him, I found my life purpose.” - tuesdayat556

“Because even though my son doesn’t speak at all I look forward to him telling me he loves me! Because of those tiny arms that wrap around me and give me tight hugs!”  -nennaaa69

“People with autism need to have others around that support and love them.”   -kayemartin524

“Because...people with autism deserve it. They deserve to be valued, to have opportunities, and to be included in their communities.”- soak_inthe_nature

We appreciate everyone who shared the reasoning behind their advocacy. These heartfelt testimonies inspire us to continue on with our mission to aid families impacted by autism. Thank you for sharing!

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