Community Spotlight: Mia Bagatourian

Name: Mia Bagatourian

School & Major: Dartmouth College, Psychology Major

What are your plans after college? 

After college, I plan on attending graduate school to pursue my masters in psychology. 

What would be your dream job?

My dream job is to become a clinical psychologist and work with teenagers on the autism spectrum. Ever since watching the Netflix show Atypical in high school, I have dreamed of one day having a job similar to that of the clinical psychologist character on the show.

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association? 

I have always been extremely passionate about working with and helping others. My interest in the field of psychology and goal of becoming a clinical psychologist for teenagers with autism post-college has matched up well with this organization. I feel that this internship will further my knowledge regarding autism and teach me how to best spread awareness to others about this disorder. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I love to read, hike, and travel. COVID allowed me to spend more time outdoors, and I now try to spend most of my free time in nature. 

What’s been your favorite class in college and why?

My favorite class so far in college was Abnormal Psychology. My professor for this class is a clinical psychologist and has experience working with children with autism, so we really bonded over our shared interests. This course covered a wide range of psychological disorders, which was really fascinating to learn about rather than the usual focus primarily being on developmental psychology and forms of therapy. 

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

I am most looking forward to being independent after graduation and having a set routine, whether it be with graduate school or a full-time job. I am also looking forward to the chance to travel more and explore states and countries I have never been to before. 

How do you like your coffee (or tea)?

I have never had coffee, but am a big fan of tea. I love green tea unsweetened and could have it at any time of the day.

Where is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is to Skopelos in Greece, the island where the movie Mamma Mia! was filmed. The movie captured the island so beautifully and I would love to experience its nature and activities in real life. 

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