Community Spotlight : Eliana Yanoff

Name: Eliana Yanoff

Nickname: Eliana or Ellie

School & Major: Russell Sage College, Art+Extended Media

What are your plans after college? 

I hope to pursue a career in graphic design, illustration, or animation.

What would be your dream job?

Character designer, concept artist, illustrator, or voice actor. Honestly there are a lot of different paths I’d be excited to go down given the opportunity!

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association? 

I’m on the spectrum, and I wanted to contribute to informing and supporting others with Autism.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Draw, surf the web, sing, play video games

What’s been your favorite class in college and why?

My studio classes. They’re basically a chance to work on my own art and develop my practice as an artist, and I’ve grown a lot in those classes.

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

Being independent, though that also scares me. But I know I have people supporting me who I can ask for help if I need it.

How do you like your coffee (or tea)?

I don’t drink coffee or tea. I prefer water or milk. I’ve also heard that caffeine has different effects on people with ADHD like me, since it’s a stimulant.

Where is your dream vacation?

Japan. There’s so much cool culture and sights. Not to mention I’m a huge anime nerd! I’d also want to visit a cat cafe, or that island full of cats. (That’s a real thing!)