Community Spotlight: Harold Berry
Image Courtesy of Harold Berry
On our social media, we give community members the opportunity to share their stories with us. This week, we had the opportunity to learn more about Harold Berry of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Berry was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at 31 years old in April of 2022. Prior to his diagnosis, Berry did not know much about autism and was unaware that there were different levels of functioning on the spectrum. He credits his fiancé as being the reason behind his desire to seek a diagnonsis.
Since learning he was on the spectrum, Berry has used this knowledge to raise awareness and understanding about autism. He uses his social media accounts and creative videos to share facts about autism with his followers. His diagnosis of autism was not daunting in his mind. Instead, it gave him a sense of peace and inspired him to spread awareness, becoming a voice for the autism community.
Berry will not let his autism diagnosis deter him by any means; he is eager to see his accomplishments that are yet to come. Berry describes himself as smart, talented, creative, and genuine. To Berry, “autism has impacted my life as a whole by understanding myself more than ever and using it as a superpower.”
To learn more about Berry and his journey, follow him on Instagram.
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