11 Things Autism Taught Us...


Having autism or knowing someone with autism can change your perspective on life. We learn so much about love and relationships from those that surround us. We recently posted on our social media asking people what has autism taught them, and the response was incredibly heartfelt. Below are some of the responses we got.

Autism Taught Me

“Unconditional love and empathy ... my daughter has brought so much light to my life and others, the gifts that these amazing souls bring to all of us is pure love ❤️”-@zen_warrior_ny

“That you can say ‘I Love You’ without saying a word, to love someone unconditionally, to live day by day, to celebrate every improvement no matter how small it is, I’ve learned that a person with autism or any other condition is still a person, with feelings, beliefs and ideas, they're not the disorder, they're someone, a person who lives with the condition, my nephew changed my world, my heart, my mind and everything in me! I love him with all my heart, and I would do anything for him, he keeps me going, he motivates me, he’ll be my baby bluebird forever 💙” -@allyvengeance17

“That I’m stronger than I thought but I still have a long way to go." -@tpaduck

“It taught me a lot but mostly resilience and to be indefatigable.” -@aljishci_ghadeer

“Never let the label define who you! If I would have let a label define my little guy he wouldn’t be where he is today! There is so much to learn, but take it one day at a time ❤️ #growthmindset “-@dar_lop

“A different perspective on social engagement. We are all different. Embrace it.” -@lydiakaye876

“Autism taught me Love, purest love , innocence, it shows me a heart which is free of all types of jealousy and hate.” -@kiranm-12

“It has taught me to see the beauty in everything. The only limit associated with Autism is the perceived ones that people who don’t understand it or are not willing to embrace, put on people with Autism. It has taught me to not only listen with my ears but my heart and eyes when I work with my students who have autism. I have learned various ways they learn and it has made me raise my level of performance to teach in various ways to share in their world of perception. It has renewed my love and enthusiasm for what I do and enhanced my awareness of myself professionally and personally. ❤️” -@empowermentapperal531

“That we need to make a change in the world so that anyone with autism can feel comfortable saying and behaving the way their body tells them without fear of being “labeled” as weird or not normal. We need to normalize differences and let everyone feel confident and happy being their own kind of weird 🤍” -@elizehernandez1000

“What it means to be patient & show someone unconditionally love. 💙💙💙💙💙” -@shekiad

“How strong I am and so blessed 🙌 “ -@sandya74

We thank everyone who shared their thoughts with us, and we take this opportunity to remind everyone to reflect on the joys and triumps that come from having autism or having a loved one with autism.

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