Tioga Teen with Autism Scores First Touchdown


An amazing moment occurred on October 25, 2019 in Tioga County, New York. A high school football player with autism scored his first touchdown in dramatic fashion.

Jared Lamb was first diagnosed with autism when he was two-years-old. Lamb didn’t speak until he was four. But nothing has stopped him from being a part of his high school’s football team.

That Friday under the bright lights, cheering crowd and sweat Lamb ran in a touchdown for his team in the first quarter. There was a lot of cheering and emotion in the crowd once he crossed the end zone. 


“I cried, I knew what it meant to him because he was telling me that he was practicing holding the ball and trying to make a touchdown. I really didn’t believe it but when I saw it happen and I saw the team crowd around him, it was just amazing,” said Jared’s mother Julie Lamb happily to Spectrum News NY1.

We hope to see Lamb scoring more touchdowns in the future!