High School Student Raises Thousands with Virtual Concert


Julia Mardini is one of the American Autism Association’s Youth Ambassadors. During World Autism Month, Mardini wanted to dedicate some time to raising awareness and acceptance in her community. She thought to combine her love of music with her passion for making a difference, and ultimately hosted a virtual concert on YouTube with members of her community.

Learn more about Mardini and the talented artists who performed for her fundraiser. Watch the virtual concert on YouTube.


Learn a little bit more about Julia Mardini & this project

Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Julia Mardini. I am 17 years old and I am planning on majoring in psychology when I go to college a little over a year from now. 

You are a Youth Ambassador for the American Autism Association. Why did you choose to be a Youth Ambassador and what do you enjoy about it? 

I chose to be a Youth Ambassador for the American Autism Association because I wanted to be an active participant in helping the autism community. A couple summers ago (pre-covid) I worked as a camp counselor and one of my campers had autism spectrum disorder. I created a close bond with this particular camper and it sparked a desire to help on a larger scale. Being a Youth Ambassador gave me the opportunity to take on a leadership role that is often not given to people my age. I love that I am able to have complete creative freedom while contributing to a cause that I am passionate about. 

For your fundraising project you held a virtual concert on YouTube. How did you come up with this idea? 

Due to COVID-19, the fundraising options were limited which forced me to think outside of the box. I wanted to not only come up with an idea that would be effective, but also combine it with something that I am good at and enjoy doing. I love to sing classical music but because of Covid, I have not been able to perform. This inspired me to put the two together. I could give myself and other artists the opportunity to perform safely while also raising money for the American Autism Association. 

How did you find and reach out to artists to participate in your fundraiser? What inspired them to work with you and the American Autism Association?

I was able to connect with artists Little Stranger, Leo Sawikin, and Brielle Brown because of my brother, Chris Mardini, who also performed in the fundraiser. My brother has worked with these talented artists through his music career and when I reached out to them, they were more than happy to participate. Hiro McCutcheon has accompanied me in a number of concerts and was more than enthusiastic to accompany me in this fundraiser due to his personal experiences with autism and his zest to get back into performing after not doing so in over a year. 

What was the motivation behind your fundraiser? 

I think that music is one of the best ways to bring people together and I felt so honored that I was able to do so while supporting an amazing cause. I love music, I love singing and this hectic year has been difficult for so many people so I wanted to share these things with others. 

What was your experience with this fundraiser and what did you enjoy about it?

I enjoyed putting together a meaningful event that benefitted a cause that I care about. Before the event premiered, I was worried that I would not get many donations or viewers due to the concert being fully virtual. However, I was able to triple my goal and raise a total of $5,210! I enjoyed seeing all of the viewers’ support through the live chat and I loved connecting with the performers. It was refreshing to see so many people share my passion and enthusiasm.

Why do you support the American Autism Association?

I support the American Autism Association because I feel that it is important to provide those who are affected by autism with necessary resources and information. With autism having such a complex spectrum, it is imperative to raise awareness and provide support for those who may be struggling. I have had personal experiences and relationships with autistic individuals which has increased my motivation to do whatever I can to help. This includes supporting organizations that better the quality of life for those with autism. 

How will you continue to spread awareness about autism? 

I have connected with Heidi Rome, the founder of Moms Spectrum Oasis, which provides advice and support for parents with autistic children. I hope to work with her soon in any way that I can. I will continue to spread awareness through social media as well. I will also be looking for more opportunities to raise awareness or funds over the summer.