Masterpieces Made By Adults and Children With Autism
We wanted to highlight some awesome adults and children artists on the spectrum. Their art pieces will blow your mind away. These artists have made several masterpieces showcasing their artwork to the world.
Take a look at their amazing pieces.
Remy’s Rainbow
Image from Instagram
Remy is a 7-year-old child with autism who enjoys acrylic pouring paint and writing with sharpie markers on tiles. His parents sell his artwork on his website called Remy’s Rainbows. All proceeds will go to his education. His parents also share his artwork on Instagram called “remysrainbows”.
Mikaela Sheldt
Image from Instagram
Mikaela finds her happy place capturing expressions of people, creating portraits, and surfing. For Sheldt, the sketches she makes has less to do with practicing and more about getting to know the person. Sheldt loves creating realistic art to feel secure and safe. You can follow her amazing work on Instagram: “@mikaelasheldt”.
Leland Lee
Image from Leland Lee. Leland is second from the left
Leland is 31 years old and lives in Taiwan. Lee began to show signs of autism at 18 months which led to diagnosing him. At age 8, people started to notice his talent for painting. He was recognized in 1999 by Los Angeles Times “The One Hundred Remarkable Kid Award” according to Moms. Lee’s work has been published through a youtube video.
Niam Jain
Image from CTV News
Niam was diagnosed with autism at an early age. He has limited speech and comprehension. His paintings express his inner feelings and concepts. Many of his works are in private collections around the world. He displays his work on his website called “niamjain”.
Maxwell Bitton
Image from Facebook
Maxwell discovered his hidden talent during a computer science class in 2011 drawing Pinnochio on an iPad. His parents enrolled him in painting classes and had his first solo exhibition in 2014 according to Moms. Bitton’s vision of the world can be seen through his website called “maxwellbitton”. He also posts pictures of his work on his Facebook called Maxwell Bitton.
Jon Adams
Image from Art Space
Jon is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and Dyslexia. He incorporates sound, drawing, written word, photographic manipulation, and drawing into his work. Adam expresses his diagnosis through the different mediums of art he chooses. His published work can be found on his website called “artspace”.
Kambel Smith
Image from Twitter
Kambel creates large scale sculptures of iconic buildings using cardboard boxes. He advocates for Autism and Black Lives Matter movement through his twitter account called “@Survivor1844”. Smith is an artist and book illustrator from the series, “The Adventures Of Survivor,” according to Moms.
Stephen Wiltshire
Image from Stephen Wiltshire
Stephen was diagnosed with autism at age 3 and was not verbal as a child. At age 5, he started drawing during his pastime and communicated to the world through drawings. Wiltshire is known for his drawings of detailed cityscape. His drawings are held all over the world in museums and books.
Megan Rhiannon
Image from Instagram
Megan is an illustrator with autism who has aphantasia which is a mental condition that can’t voluntarily visualize mental imagery. However, this doesn’t get in her way to express herself and showcase her talent. She vlogs about her day and talks about autism. She also has an Instagram called “@petite_gloom”.
Iris Grace
Image from Facebook
Iris is a child who has autism and expressed herself through painting. Her parents sell her artwork to raise money for her private therapy and artwork. Grace also has facebook handled by parents called “@IrisGracePainting”. She has sold several artworks in the UK and around the world.
Rebecca Burgess
Image from Facebook
Rebecca is a comic artist who talks and informs about autism in her comic strips. Some strips help people understand what autism is. Her illustrations have been shared through Geek Club Books and Art of Autism.