Job Searching Website Helps People With Autism Find Employment
When it comes to the workforce, companies are constantly encouraging diversity and inclusivity. A unique job site, led by Microsoft , is focused on the priorities of finding job placement for neurodivergent individuals. This website is the Neurodiversity Career Connector.
The Neurodiversity Career Connector was created and launched by more than 50 companies within the Neurodiversity @ Work Employer Roundtable, whose goal is to decrease job barriers and improve neurodiversity in the workplace. Autism is the initial focus of the job placement program because according to the CDC approximately 2% of adults in the United States are autistic.
“I was worried about applying for a job knowing that I have disabilities. People don’t necessarily realize how wide the autism spectrum is and that people present differently.” said Francine Heisler, an IT generalist providing her testimonial to the Neurodiversity Career Connector
A Drexel University study finds that only 14% of working-age adults with autism have a paid job in the community. Since the launch of the website, The Neurodiversity Career Connector has hired about 200 individuals – working within engineering and business disciplinaries. Further strengthening the neurodiversity at Microsoft.
Outside of Microsoft, The Neurodiversity Career Connector is successfully connecting over 40 businesses across the country with neurodivergent individuals.