Inclusive Swimwear Gives Comfort to Individuals with Incontinence & Disabilities

Photo from Kes-Vir Instagram

Photo from Kes-Vir Instagram

Daksha Mistry noticed a gap in the swimwear market, and knew that she had to do something about it.  While there was incontinence swimwear being offered for individuals with incontinence and disabilities, they often came in the form of briefs that went under swimsuits, as opposed to actual swimwear.  Incontinence swimwear can be difficult to come by, often leaning towards function over style, and leaving people having to make the adjustments themselves.  Mistry said “You have a lot of challenges when you’re disabled...I didn’t want the swimwear to be one of those things.”  

Kes-Vir Swimwear offers incontinence swimwear for men, women, boys and girls with disabilities and incontinence.  The swimwear is made with “functionality, fashion, discretion and comfort in mind.”  

Mistry’s main challenge is working to balance style with the function that her swimwear needs to have.  Using creativity and a lot of trial and error, she finds designs that work for her customers while maintaining the appearance of a “normal” swimsuit. For example, she found that for people with disabilities, putting their arms through swimsuits was often difficult. A simple solution for this was to make halter top bathing suits: using a classic style to make the swimwear more functional.  

Mistry works to continuously improve her swimwear line in order to adapt to the needs of the people who buy her swimwear.  She brings her new designs to nearby schools for children to test them, and is always working to make improvements based on customer feedback. 

Because of her work, people who previously felt uncomfortable or unable to swim send messages to Mistry about how her swimwear finally allowed them to get back into the water. “It’s quite heartwarming, quite humbling to receive messages like that,” Mistry said.  

You can find Kes-Vir Swimwear at locations around the world, and at their online store