Department Store Surprises Mom of Sons with Autism

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It’s no secret that kids love going to the toy store and picking out new toys for their parents to buy so they can play with them at home. This is part of the reason why Jacqueline, a single mother of two boys, took a trip with her sons to a Big W, a discount department store, in Western Australia. 

Her sons, aged three and five, were both diagnosed with autism. Jacqueline mentions to 7 News that her sons are both nonverbal and experience developmental delays which make it difficult to shop for toys in a magazine or online. She needed ideas of what to get them as birthday presents, so she decided to take them to Big W in order to see if they find any toys especially interesting.

Whilst browsing the toy sale, her five-year-old son seemed to love the Little Live Pets Pooping Flamingo toy and would bring her back to the toy each time they went down a different aisle. She had to tell him that she couldn’t get the toy today, so they carried on down the aisles.

She noticed an employee with a cart who seemed to be writing down inventory, and Jacqueline decided to talk to the woman, mentioning her son loves the flamingo toy but her other son couldn’t find anything he wanted but loved cars. She also explained how her sons both have nonverbal autism, and the two had a pleasant conversation before she went down another aisle.

As Jacqueline and her sons were checking out, the employee she talked to previously handed her a black bag. Inside the bag was the flamingo toy and a light-up car. The woman stated that Big W wanted her to have them as a gift, bringing tears to the mother’s eyes.

Jacqueline shares with 7 News, “It was extremely kind, and I certainly did not expect it! I actually didn’t even know BIG W did anything like it. It’s just me and my boys and some days can be really rough, and this meant the absolute world to me so I thought I would share with this community.” She shared her story via the Big W Mums Australia Facebook group and received many supportive comments.

Actions of generosity and kindness are especially needed in today’s age, and these Big W staff accomplished that. Jacqueline and her boys will remember this for a long time.

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