Community Spotlight: Sophie Willie


Sophie Willie joins the American Autism Association this Summer as a Social Media and Marketing Intern. In this Q&A, Sophie shares why she joined our organization and what she hopes to take away from her time with us.

Name: Sophie Willie

School & Major: University of California Santa Barbara, Communication

What are your plans after college?

After college I am hoping to move to a different city and begin graduate school. I would also love the chance to travel a bit after graduating to make up for all of the traveling I missed out on during the pandemic. 

What would be your dream job?

My dream job would have to be something that combines the field of communication with working with children.

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association?

I wanted to intern at the American Autism Association because it allows me to combine two of my passions: advocating for a good cause and creating important content via social media to raise awareness. The organization struck me as a great place to learn more about autism and help people with autism and their families find helpful resources. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I love going to the beach and going on hikes. I am also a big foodie so I really enjoy trying new restaurants in my area. I also really love to travel and I am looking forward to getting back to traveling once life returns back to normal post-pandemic. 

What’s been your favorite class in college and why?

My favorite course that I have taken during college is called “Communication Theories”. This course explored countless theories that have been developed surrounding different reasons for many types of communication styles in humans and relationships. The course allowed me to gain a much deeper understanding of how and why we do certain things and communicate in certain ways in a vast number of scenarios. It has allowed me to apply theories that I have learned to my own relationships and encounters. 

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

After graduation, I am looking forward to hopefully moving to a new city and starting graduate school. I am excited to explore my career options and try new things. 

How do you take your coffee?

I like my coffee with milk (oat milk is the best), sugar, and vanilla flavoring. The more caffeine the better! 

Where is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is traveling to Greece with my best friend so that we can explore all of the beauty together. 

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