Community Spotlight: Alexandra Jarman


Alexandra Jarman joins the American Autism Association this summer as a Community Outreach and Fundraising Intern. In this Q&A, Jarman shares why she joined our team and what she hopes take away from her time with us.

Name: Alexandra Jarman

School & Major: Western Carolina University, Psychology

What are your plans after college? I am planning to continue delving into the world of psychology by attending graduate school for a PsyD degree. 

What would be your dream job? I have had many dreams growing up about my career in psychology, but the one that seems to stick at the moment is a child psychologist. My mind may change once I reach graduate school, but for right now, it seems like the perfect job for me.

Why did you want to intern at the American Autism Association? I became interested in interning at the American Autism Association when I read about the impact they have on the community, not just of people with autism, but families and loved ones as well. I have always been very passionate about community service and have fundraised on my college campus for money towards fighting hunger and local animal shelters. I saw this internship as a great opportunity to get involved on a larger scale while also working in the career path I am majoring in.

What do you like to do in your free time? Some of my favorite activities include painting, hiking, and writing, but more recently I have been into baking cakes. The decorating process is so relaxing!

What’s been your favorite class in college and why? My favorite class in college was without a doubt my Child Psychology course. Not only was this course incredibly interesting, but I took this class with a professor I never had before who turned out to be my mentor for my independent research project last semester. She is the sole reason I enjoyed the class and decided I want to be a child psychologist because she was a realistic professor and made everything fun. She had true faith in me and even sat me down after class once, telling me about how she sees so much potential in me. I have to thank her for teaching my favorite course and introducing me to a career path I never thought of before. 

What are you most looking forward to after graduation? Something I’m looking forward to after graduating is potentially publishing a book. I’m very passionate about writing, specifically poetry, so I have always dreamt of publishing a collection of my poems, even if only one person (my mom, probably) buys it. As long as I can get my work out there into the world, I will be satisfied!

How do you like your coffee (or tea)? I’m a tea drinker most of the time, so I typically drink my tea with a splash of milk and a little bit of sugar. If I’m getting coffee, I love anything creamy with caramel!

Where is your dream vacation? I have always wanted to go to Ireland, but more recently, Italy has been calling my name. My dream vacation would be going to Venice, taking a gondola ride on the canals, touring the city, and enjoying real Italian cuisine.

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