Back-to-School Social Stories to Help Students Prepare for a New Normal

Depending on where you live, your child’s school may be online, in person, or in a hybrid format. Regardless of your school’s plan for the Fall, there is one thing that stands true across the country: school is going to look different this year. 

The changes that are going to happen in schools will be difficult for any child to adjust to, and children with special needs are no exception. It will be helpful to prepare your child for what may lie ahead by showing them what is going to be different about school this year and explaining to them why these changes are necessary. 

One great way to introduce these concepts to a child with autism is through social stories. These informative stories have graphics paired with simple sentences to help make certain topics easier to understand.  

Many professionals have been creating social stories to help prepare children for the upcoming school year by explaining concepts such as mask-wearing, schedule changes, and social-distancing etiquette. Here are a few free social stories on the important changes that your child will need to be prepared for in order to have a safe school year in your evolving school system.  

Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): 

Schedule Changes: 

Social Distancing and Etiquette:   

COVID Tests and Temperature Checks 

As a bonus, here are coloring pages where the characters are wearing masks to help your child get used to what this will look like!