Announcing New Spanish Informational Guides on Our Website

New Spanish Informational Guides

New Spanish Informational Guides

The American Autism Association has recently launched the Guías de Información sobre el Autismo section of our website which includes comprehensive resources in Spanish. Our goal is to develop and implement new educational tools to meet the needs and requests of our community all over the world, this includes providing educational resources to non-English speakers.

We are pleased to announce and highlight our information kit series translated into Spanish, which is now available free-of-cost for families on our website.

The titles of the newly translated guides are as follows:

  • Juguetes Amigables para Niños Autistas

  • Consejos para Encontrar un Campamento de Verano

  • ¿Qué Causa una Crisis y Cómo Prevenirlos?

  • Terapias Generales para Personas con Autismo

  • Guía para Padres Sobre el Acoso Escolar (bullying)

  • Actividades Recreativas para Niños en el Espectro Autista

  • Preparación para el Regreso a la Escuela para Estudiantes con Autismo

  • Programas Universitarios para Estudiantes con Autismo

  • Guía de 100 Dias para Los Padres de Niños con Autismo

  • Preparando a Los Niños en el Espectro Autista para Cortes de Cabello

The Spanish guides, along with their English counterparts, can be found on our website

President of our Board of Directors, Caitlin Bendersky, shares “We are delighted to launch this new and necessary section of our website. We are now able to provide comprehensive and accessible resources to the millions of Spanish-speaking families affected by autism.”

We look forward to continuing the growth of our educational resources for families all over the world, and thank those that help with research and development to create these different information kits.

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