13 Things to Understand About Autism

Autism presents itself in many ways but regardless, it is important to love and embrace everyone for who they are. We asked people what they want others to understand about people with autism. Below are some of the amazing and sweet responses we got.

Something I want others to understand about people with autism is…

“Understanding from other people, communities, and organizations will lead to greater kindness and more opportunities for success for a child with autism.” - Gerald Sena

“Please be kind. Do not judge what you may not understand. Assist families in the autism community-ask them how you can help. I wish this had happened for us.” - Barbara Houser

“That we want to be included!” - @sandya74

“They want to be accepted and treated justly.” - @jackienomates

“They learn at their own pace.” - @autismmom_witha_camera

“That it’s ok to be different.” - @live.laugh.coffee1

“We have to learn to accept others, please learn to accept who we are individually.” - @zenkermit69

“I have feelings, too.” - @mst12171

“Autism is not ‘one size fits all.’“ - @mstiffany.deelee

“We are not all exactly the same and we want to feel included just like everyone else ❤️" - @joey.belle.love

“Get to know their interest, you just might be blown away. #talent” - @ability_beyondfitness

“That the spectrum is wide and symptoms vary, but not just on an individual basis, but even for an individual on a daily basis one's behaviors and attributes may vary from what you may consider baseline for them.” -@klo.1210

“Love and patience are some of the greatest gifts we can give to others, so try to unconditionally love and support those with autism.” -@tn.sae

Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts with us! Remember that differences should not be looked down on but should be celebrated. Make sure to be supportive and understanding of those with autism and tell others to do so as well.