10 Things Autism Taught Me


Every few months we ask our community on our social media platforms to tell us and share their stories of what autism has taught them. Autism opens the minds of people and let’s them get a glimpse of the world through different lens. 

Hear what our community had to say.

1. “To let go of control. Understand that you can’t force things.” –Juliefitzpatrick45

2. Patience, to be strong, to be tolerant, to see life different, and appreciate the little things.” –Irmab4medina

3. “My daughter taught me that there are a million ways to show love, without speaking a word.” –Princessjazzyx3 

4. “Autism has taught me, that my boys are exactly who they are meant to be, that they work hard everyday to gain ways to do things that seem small to others but in reality are huge gains in our home , that these boys are more connected to everything around them then we will ever understand.” –Smosh_mom

5. “That no matter the struggles we are facing, God has a purpose for us and we are beautiful inside and out.” –Shandrickajones1 

5. “To be more understanding and accept that I know that I can’t fix everything.” –Sangriads

6. “Lots and lots of patience and more love and I never thought I could be braver and that I could do more than what I can for my son. –Supersyden

7. “Autism taught me to be compassionate and to understand everyone because you will never know what they are going through.” –Blessednhappymom 

8. “Autism has taught me to live my own unique life and it reminds me everyday to stay focused on my own journey. We’re no longer the Joneses, we reach milestones when we reach them, our end goal is independence and happiness.” –Girlfriendsguidetoautism

9. “It taught me life is simply beautiful when I see it through my child’s eyes. Love is pure & true. It taught me patience, gratitude, determination, and to love ourselves for who we are and what we are.” –Husneara_b

10. “Autism shows me… how strong I am. It told me that I can fight and win. I’ve done things people said I can’t. It gave me a special view on other persons and gives me patience, strength and a big heart.” –Person_ms1

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your stories. With all your thoughts, American Autism Association is making progress and changes to making a difference in the autism community!